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With 3.5 million users and a YoY user-base growth rate of 50%, Satispay leads the mobile payments market in Italy and positions itself as a unique European app for everyday life experiences. Thanks to a bank account-enabled platform, which is independent from debit and credit card networks, Satispay provides a wide range of digital payment services: e-commerce and in-store transactions, peer-to-peer payments, and a wide range of other services such as mobile top-ups, fines, tax payments, donations and savings. The app is easily usable by consumers, where they simply join using their mobile numbers and connect their bank accounts for payments.

Type Wallet
Consumer countries

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Why Satispay

Satispay has more than 17k e-commerce merchants on an overall base of 230k merchants, with over 4,000 new daily signups. Satispay enjoys a loyal customer base, with an average 9.4 transactions per consumer, per month.

Satispay offers a true omnichannel solution for brick-and-mortar, online and unattended transactions, making it a go-to digital payment service for consumers, with a strong brand proposition.

Satispay cites a conversion rate of 91%: with smooth and frictionless linkage of their bank accounts, consumers only need to scan a QR code or enter their mobile numbers to confirm transactions in their mobile apps.



Consumer EUR
Processing EUR
Settlement EUR


Recurring payments
One-click payments
Partial refunds
Multiple partial refunds
Payment assurance
Chargeback risk

How it works


At online checkout, the consumer chooses Satispay as the preferred payment method

Payment method

The consumer is redirected to an HPP and enters their mobile number or scans a QR code

Payment method

The consumer opens the Satispay app and conrms the transaction


Payment is confirmed

Want to integrate Satispay onto your platform?

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