Sofort (Klarna)

Sofort GmbH has been part of the Klarna Group since 2014. With Sofort, consumers can make fast, simple, and secure payments directly from their bank accounts.

Merchants receive real-time confirmation enabling speedy dispatch of goods or immediate download.

Consumers make e-commerce payments by selecting Sofort and authenticating the payment through their existing online banking interface together with a one-time confirmation code.

Why should you offer Sofort (Klarna)

  1. Consumers use their own online banking data and do not have to submit any personal information or card details to the merchant.
  2. Klarna reports that retailers typically see a 68% increase in average order value, and 44% of their customers would have abandoned carts if the payment method was not available.
  3. German card usage remains low at 14% due to security concerns, leading to the popularity of bank transfer payment options, accounting for 34% of all transactions (PPRO Almanac).
Want to integrate Sofort (Klarna) onto your platform? Get in touch
Availability Available with PPRO
Type Bank transfer
Company behind LPM Klarna Group
Market relevance High

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