Przelewy24 (P24)

Founded in 2004, Przelewy24 is a Poland-based real-time online bank transfer payment method, often referred to as P24.

Bank transfers are the most popular payment method in Poland where there is only 18% card penetration (PPRO Almanac) and P24 is one of the most popular payment methods in Poland covering all major consumer banks.

Consumers choose their bank and log-in to their online banking to complete payment.

Want to integrate Przelewy24 (P24) onto your platform? Get in touch
Availability Available with PPRO
Type Bank transfer
Company behind LPM PayPro S.A.
Market share details Przelewy24 is the second most used e-commerce payment method in Poland with 72% of e-commerce consumers using it.
Market relevance High

Why Przelewy24 (P24)

Przelewy24 supports payments from 165 Polish banks and is accepted by over 150,000 merchants worldwide.
Przelewy24 is the second most used e-commerce payment method in Poland with 72% of e-commerce consumers using it (Statista).
According to Przelewy24, over 91% of consumers in Poland recognise their brand.

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